“Be excellent,


happy and



Take Your Chiropractic Care to the Next Level


At Portland Backsmith we do not take a one size fits all approach to Chiropractic care. Every visit and adjustment will be tailored to your body’s specific needs.

For our patients, education and understanding is the key to successful and effective chiropractic care. A proper adjustment has the ability to restore joint motion and remove interferences on the nerves caused by tight muscles, ligaments, scar tissue and other stressors. The nervous system controls every process in our bodies including muscle control, hormone regulation, immunity, digestion and mood.

As a result of an adjustment muscles will relax, joint motion improves and inflammation is eliminated. Patients of chiropractic report a better overall health, fewer hospital visits and less use of medication.


In physical therapy, trained professionals evaluate and treat abnormal physical function related to, for example, an injury, disability, disease or condition.

A physical therapist helps take care of patients in all phases of healing, from initial diagnosis through the restorative and preventive stages of recovery. Physical therapy may be a standalone option, or it may support other treatments.


Regular Massage Therapy treatments are an excellent way to decrease the stressors of a busy life. At Portland Backsmith we offer Massage Therapy in a relaxed and professional clinical setting. Our goal is to provide excellent and effective care, in order to reduce and eliminate the effects of stressful, busy and active lifestyles.

Our massage therapists provide customized treatments for every individual and treat a variety of conditions. We offer both medical and wellness relaxation massage.

Chat with a Patient Care Advocate today!
(503) 716-6164